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Who is Scottie Z ?

Scottie Z is me, (aka Scott Szabados) an artist who loves to draw. I have been drawing since I was 6 and didn't want to do anything else but that for the rest of my life. Even when I was told that's not a career or you need a real job I still would draw. I did it cause it makes me happy and I enjoyed doing it. I would spend hours just drawing away and forgetting about all the problems in the world around me. 

     I started just by drawing what I could see. My mom would tell everyone the story of me sitting in front of the TV watch a movie called The Black Hole and drawing all the robots that were in the movie. After that she introduced me to comic books as a way to help with my reading problem knowing that

the picture would keep me focused on the story. After that I was hooked.

I collected comics and would practice drawing the characters as often as I could. It helped develop a passion for other artist and because of comic style which I love so much it lead me to follow pop art as well. Artists such as Lichtenstein, Rauschenberg and Warhol became the inspiration for my style. This lead me to follow comic book artists as well looking for their work to develop my style. Jim Lee, Todd McFarlane, Steranko, J Scott Campbell, Mark Bagley and Michael Turner became my heroes. All considered rock stars od the comic world, but I didn't want to be a rock start....I wanted to be a punk rock star. Between art and the DIY ethic of punk rock I developed an attitude that has stuck with me for the rest of my life.... never quit.


I hate being told I can't do something or that its impossible. There is always a way if you put your mind to it and never give up. That's why even after all the years of wishing I could be an artist I just had to find a way to make it work. I wanted to follow my passion and one day I was told you can't because your too old or this doesn't make money or your not good enough. I just took all that negative energy and turned into what I love, art. I enrolled in art college, learned everything I could about character design and found my true passion. I then used my love for pop art, comic books, video games and movies to create a career for myself. 

Since  I loved comics and the characters so much I said what if I did it  myself. What if I created a world that I could share and enjoy with other people like me, a fan that wanted something different, so I created Cybernetta and the world she lives in as a way to keep my passion for art and creativity alive.

So join me in my world and let me know what you think. If you like what you see and want something special contact me and I'll help bring your vision to life.

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